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Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies

How to Stress Affects your Body

By bruce at 2010-12-14 05:11:49
Stress and health are closely linked. It is well known that stress, either quick or constant, can induce risky body-mind disorders. Immediate disorders such as dizzy spells, anxiety, tension, sleeplessness, nervousness and muscle cramps can all result in chronic health problems. In the long run they may also affect our immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Stress Related Illness

Science is constantly learning about the impact that stress has on your overall health. Stress is or may be a contributing factor in everything from backaches and insomnia to cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome (many people believe that CFS and fibromyalgia are the same illness).

Stress is often a key factor when women experience either absence of menstruation or abnormal bleeding. Hormonal imbalances caused by stress may proliferate the symptoms of fibroid tumors and endometriosis, as well as make pregnancy difficult to achieve for couples with fertility problems.

Heart disease is the number one killer of American women. High blood pressure, heart attacks, heart palpitations, and stroke may be stress related cardiovascular conditions. Some women experience changes in their sexuality and encounter various sexual dysfunctions such as loss of desire and vaginal dryness as a result of stress.

Often people feel the effects of stress as fatigue, various aches and pains, headaches, or as emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances. Stress affects others by causing gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcers, lower abdominal cramps, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Frequently people under the effects of over stress will have more colds and infections due to lowered immune system responses. Stress can initiate dermatological conditions such as itchy skin and rashes.

Chronic Stress and Emotional Well-being

Chronic stress causes emotional damage that is compounded by physical illness. It pounds away at your mental health, leaving you unable to cope with even the smallest of everyday pressures. Stress suffered in the long-term can cause mental health problems like anxiety, eating disorders, depression and substance abuse.

It is not accidental that physical symptoms are experienced when you are in a stressful situation. These are defense mechanisms, your body's natural response to threat. If these responses are continually stimulated the effects of stress on the human body can make it more susceptible to life threatening health problems.

The stress response or fight or flight response is the way in which the body responds automatically, and changes into high gear to deal with physical threats.

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Home Remedies For Stress

When your body encounters such a threat the Hypothalamus (situated at the base of the brain) sets off the alarm. A combination of nerve and chemical signals tells the adrenal glands to release adrenalin and cortisol. Adrenaline increases heart rate and increases blood pressure; cortisol increases blood sugar and makes the brain more able to use that glucose release.

Cortisol also stimulates chemicals in your body to speed up tissue repair. Cortisol also curbs non essential function such as the digestive system, growth processes and the reproductive system. These chemicals also affect the centers of the brain that control mood, fear and motivation.

The stress response is self regulating, and things generally go back to normal once the threat is over.

However long term stimulation of the stress response and exposure to cortisol and other stress hormones disrupts many of the natural processes of the body. This results in heart and digestive problems, memory impairment, depression, physical illness and a whole host of other health related problems.

Home Remedies for Depression
Natural Remedies or more read on gonaturalremedies.com
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